Centerl Park West La, New York

Relax Zone

Access to our fitness centre and pool is free to all our hotel guests. For non guests membership packages are available.

Your Best Price is Right Here

Check Some Fun Fact

Our fitness centre is one of the best in London and is equipped with the latest cutting edge equipment.


A range of different massage techniques, reflexology, body scrubs and facial are available on site which will help you unwind


Happy Clients


Country Coverage


Latest Project

Access to our fitness centre and pool is free to all our hotel guests. For non guests membership packages are available.

Client's Review

Access to our fitness centre and pool is free to all our hotel guests. For non guests membership packages are available.

Meet Our Team

Access to our fitness centre and pool is free to all our hotel guests. For non guests membership packages are available.

Opening Hours Of Wellnez

Monday - Thursday08am - 10pm
Friday - Sunday10am - 05pm
Phone+44 1234 56789
Get relax any day & any Time

Make Appointment

Our News Feeds

Access to our fitness centre and pool is free to all our hotel guests. For non guests membership packages are available.